
Monday Nov 13, 2023
Reverse Your Boss’ Bias (in One Conversation)
Monday Nov 13, 2023
Monday Nov 13, 2023
If you're stuck in your career, underpaid, undertitled...
If you regularly get asked to do menial tasks or don't get the performance ratings you deserve:
you are in what social scientists call the 'Out Group' with the people who make decisions about salaries and promotions.
But you can move in yourself from out-group to coveted In-Group faster than you ever thought possible, no matter how long you've been out.
If you're a talented female professional who wants Denise's help, so you get the success you want quickly...while lowering your stress and getting the personal fulfillment you crave, book a private call to see if her process is a good fit. Book here: https://go.oncehub.com/DeniseGreen

Friday Aug 04, 2023
How to Ask for a Raise, and Get It
Friday Aug 04, 2023
Friday Aug 04, 2023
Before you ask for a raise or accept an offer, you must listen to this episode.
There are five things that need to be in place before you negotiate a salary increase. And they don't include having the right degrees or experience.
When these conditions exist, you can ask for, and receive, a quantum leap in pay.
But if you ask before these conditions are met, you're likely to stay stuck in a rut of incremental pay increases, watching others get promoted past you, even though you're more deserving.
If you're a talented female professional who is ready to make this leap NOW, you can book a private want Denise, to see if you're a good fit for her transformational program that helps women end decades of self-doubt and become confident, influential leaders who fast-track their careers while slashing hours from their work-week.
If that's you, book a call here: https://calendly.com/denisegreen/book

Friday Jul 28, 2023
How Not to Ruin Your Life with People-Pleasing
Friday Jul 28, 2023
Friday Jul 28, 2023
The condition I call 'Not-Enoughness' is a global problem.
Women all over the world, including this episode's European guest, have been taught that working hard, taking on projects, and saying yes...is the way to success.
But it only sinks them into a hole created by busyness. At some point, the body can take only so much before health, happiness, relationships, and career success suffer.
Listen in to learn how this woman--who thought she tried everything--ended up on medical leave, then finally found the cure to burnout.
Now, she's finally enjoying recognition, success, AND a wonderful personal life.
If you're a female leader who wants to stop suffering and wants to develop true peace & confidence while you earn more money and work fewer hours, book a complimentary call with me, Denise at https://calendly.com/denisegreen/book

Friday Jun 02, 2023
How to Feel Happy (No Matter What You’re Feeling Now)
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Happiness is serious business. Without it, we suffer and are unable to enjoy and savor the miracle of life.
Happiness makes us more attractive, more successful, and more connected, and healthier.
But our brains make it hard. Our brains want us to stay fearful, so we survive another day.
In this conversation I speak with researcher and business consultant Jessica Weiss.
Her TedX talk – Happiness: An Inside Job– focuses on the surprising habits of people who actually like their jobs.
We provide specific, simple, science-backed techniques you can use today, to raise your happiness levels.